The Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Essentials Challenge

Complete the challenge?

We'll reward you with...

12 Weeks of Free Training

Jiu-Jitsu, from the outside is an intimidating sport to get into.

No one wants to feel like the new kid, struggling to keep up with the group

while they try to learn something completely foreign.

But the way jiu-jitsu has been taught traditionally, leaves people feeling exactly like that.

They get handed their uniform...

...and immediately tossed into the deep end.

Into a curriculum designed for people ahead of them.

Slowing their progress to a crawl,

and leaving them frustrated and discouraged.

It is the EXACT program that has helped our clients....

-Lose Hundreds of Pounds

-Build Coordination, Flexibility, Strengh, and Conditioning.

-Progress Faster Than Their Peers

-Get Ready for Their First Competition

-Train Harder and More Sustainably.

This is why over 80% of people drop out before the FIRST belt rank of Jiu-Jitsu.

This problem is EXACTLY why we developed the Essentials Challenge.

It's a 6-Week Training Program designed to;

Bring people up to speed physically,

even if you are starting from square one.

Build a rock solid foundation of technique,

designed for people new to Jiu-Jitsu.

Build relationships that keep people coming back day after day.

Leading to our clients...

-Getting in better shape, FASTER

-Training Jiu-Jitsu 3X longer (on average)

-Competing within their first 2 months of training

and making it onto the podium.

(without any martial arts or wrestling background)

So if you have some questions you'd like answered,

or you're ready to start!

Click that blue button and come meet with team!

But if you don't trust us yet,

...and want to meet some of the people that have already gone through the Essentials Challenge.

I have a free gift for you.

It is a copy of our Jiu-Jitsu Specific

Strength and Conditioning Guide.

Designed by our Onboarding Coach

NASM Certified Personal Trainer,

Corrective Excersice Specialist,

Certified Nutrition Coach,

and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belt

Charlie Tietgen

It is the exact program our competitors use to

get ready for the largest events of the season, has

led to hundreds of pounds lost

and podium finishes across weight classes.

It also has stories of people that have already gone through the Essentials Challenge.

Normally this program has been locked away,

only for those who have signed up for the Essentials Challenge.

But now we are giving it away completely free.

So for those who want to go the extra mile before the next Challenge Starts, or want to build their confidence up before they step on the mats.

Just click the Green Button to get Instant Access

But if you are ready to train with us in person and want to...

1.) Find a new, exciting and engaging way to get in amazing shape.

3.) Become part of a disciplined team that will fast track you to your goals.

3.) Discover the confidence that can only come from knowing how to defend yourself and those close to you.

Then click the "SCHEDULE NOW" button to find a time to meet with one of our coaches about our next Essentials Challenge

Oh and for those that complete the challenge?

we'll reward you with...

12 Weeks of Free Training

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